List-View Dialing in Pipedrive Dialing from a list view in Pipedrive really brings out the usefulness of Kixie’s Pipedrive integration in …

Pipedrive Call Activity Types By default, Kixie will automatically log a completed Call (activity type “Call”), but adding the following 2 …

Kixie Always Syncs to a Person First: Depending on how the call was initiated, there are two ways that Kixie will find a person to sync to… …

Using Salesforce (who isn’t right)? Well, then take a peek at our Salesforce + Kixie Powercall and power dialing demo video where we seamlessly …

The Kixie International Plan is Here! Cue the champagne and confetti, and strap on your Oakley goggles everybody…. Kixie has just gone …

More fun stuff from the Kixie team! Recently we here at Kixie sat down and created a video tutorial to show users how Kixie integrates with Pipedrive …