Downloading Kixie is incredibly easy, as it’s just a Chrome extension. The video below will guide you to download and setup Kixie in under 3 …

How to Setup and Manage Your Kixie Phone System (virtual receptionist, ring groups, user callflows) In this quick video, we will show you how you can …

Kixie Users: How to Manage Your Direct Line'’s Settings The video below is a quick tutorial on how to manage your direct line’s settings, …

Salesforce Phone Service Integration with Kixie Kixie is a Salesforce Sales Phone Service. Watch this video and in 3 minutes, you will be a sales pro …

Want to become sales manager of the year? What about most improved? With the Kixie Dashboard’s Call Reporting and Call History features, it is …

How easy is it to add a new user? Ridiculously easy :) Watch this quick video tutorial.